
comp.os.msdos.mail-news FAQ (02/02) software

Archive-name: msdos-mail-news/software
Original-Archive-name: comma-software
Comp-os-msdos-mail-news-archive-name: software
Posting-Frequency: biweekly
Last-modified: 1995-11-06

Comp.Os.Msdos.MAil-news == c.o.m.ma == comma



Part 1:

   1. Disclaimer
   2. Where are the Questions?
   3. Charter
   4. QWK
   5. `offline'
   6. Related Groups/Mailing Lists
   7. Books
   8. ftp and how to get files from the Internet
     a. help is easy to obtain
     b. where to find software
     c. archie
     d. not on the Internet:  accessing ftp archives
     e. not on the Internet:  accessing archie
   9. RFCs
  10. announcements
  11. other FAQs
  12. What do the technical or jargon terms mean?
  13. How can I get mail/news on my PC at home?
     a. I have a UNIX login, but don't want to tie up the phone lines.
     b. I can get a `feed' -- but what do I do with it?
     c. I'm reading over someone's shoulder.
     d. I want better software than what I've got now.
  14. How can I use waffle newsreaders with other packages?
  98. spelling
  99. credits

Part 2:

 100. notes and index
   101. Disclaimer
   102. I want mail and/or news on msdos!  what software is there?
   103. summary only - no reviews
   104. what the addresses mean
   105. maintainer index
   106. ftp index

 200. uucp
   201. discussion
   202. waffle
   203. uupc, uupc-msw [msw], uupc-os2 [os2]
   204. fsuucp
   205. mks-uucp
   206. internetanyw [msw]
   207. uuslave
   208. pduucp/pcuucp
   209. dcp
   210. xp/crosspoint
   211. fxuucico
   212. mail-it-rem [msw]
   213. minihost [msw]
   214. winnetmail [msw]
   215. uufree
   216. ntnetnews [nsw]
   217. uulink

 300. mail/news transport agents, batchers, servers
   301. discussion
   302. filesystem
   400. network

 500. mail/news user agents
   501. discussion
   502. filesystem
   600. network

 700. other

 800. source
   801. discussion
   802. dcp
   803. uuslave
   804. pduucp/pcuucp
   805. uupc
   806. uupc-msw
   807. uupc-os2
   808. snews
   809. hackticnr
   810. rnr, rnr-uupc
   811. winelm
   812. mit-red
   813. pcrrn
   814. smaildos
   815. pmnews
   816. snuz
   817. barbnews
   818. olsenews
   819. slnr
   820. rexxnews-os2
   821. procc
   822. wsmtpd
   823. trn
   824. trn-os2
   825. tin-os2
   826. winvn
   827. nexp
   828. mimelite
   829. wrn
   830. appsig
   831. aser
   832. solar
   833. makenews
   834. mailqueue
   835. tmailpostnews
   836. nnrnews
   837. uufree
   838. mpack
   839. mime64
   840. unpost
   841. nntpd-dvx
   842. nn-dvx
   843. brn
   844. paperboy
   845. wafpegasus
   846. edrhr
   847. newsmerg
   848. foldscan


100. notes and index

101. Disclaimer

Read at your own risk.  The current, previous, or original authors
make no claim as to fitness for any purpose or absence of any errors,
and offer no warranty.  Do not eat.

102. I want mail and/or news on msdos!  what software is there?

then read on!  this part of the FAQ is the big answer to that one
question.  to use it, you'll need to know:  how will you be sent
mail?  (usual choices:  uucp/rmail, SMTP/POP/IMAP)  how will you
be sent news?  (usual choices:  uucp/rnews, NNTP)

103. summary only - no reviews

this is (right now) a summary only.  if you feel more information
is required to be useful, mail me, keeping in mind that there is
another posting which has a lot of detail (esj's `personal uucp'
list).  it is posted very infrequently.  due to illness, it has
not been updated for quite some time, as far as I know.

this post is meant primarily to let people know what is available,
so they can grab the packages and evaluate them for themselves.

if you are looking for reviews, post your requirements and see
who else knows what you need.  please do not be vague -- no one
can help you when you just say you're looking to evaluate some
`mail packages'.  what kind of network is in place?  or is it for
a single-user site?  how much are you willing to pay per seat?
what sort of interface do you need?  what platform?  how
sophisticated are your users?  etc.

I will not be putting any reviews in here, partly because they would be
difficult to maintain, and partly because I want to avoid any flak from
a negative review which I did not write.

if you want to periodically post a collection of reviews, go ahead.
you don't need my approval.

code  requires
----  --------
[dvx] DesqView/X
[geo] GEOS (probably will require v2.0?  none on the list yet)
[msw] MS Windows (often requires v3.1)
[os2] OS/2 (often requires v2.1)
[wnt] MS Windows NT

I have tried to complete all the required codes.  however, I have
not tried all packages personally.  if I am missing one for your
package, please inform me, so that people who do not have the required
underlying software do not waste time or money ftp'ing it.  thanks.

104. what the addresses mean

when an ftp reference is given that looks like this:
this does not imply that it is the only place where the file
is available via ftp.  you may want to use `archie' to help
you locate the closest (network-cost-wise) copy of the file.

for brief help with archie, see the comma intro.

the special entry ``simtel:'' indicates the simtel collection,
available in many places, including CD-ROMs, and its main ftp
mirrors, ftp.coast.net:/SimTel/ and oak.oakland.edu:/SimTel/.

(SimTel had decided to stop allowing files which do not include
the address and phone number of the author, so their supply of
updated freeware may disappear.  there are rumors that this
policy has been dropped; if not, consider alternate sites.)

the special entry ``cica:'' indicates the cica collection,
available in many places, including CD-ROMs, and its primary
ftp site, ftp.cica.indiana.edu:/pub/pc/win3/.

see also ftp.winsite.com , cica's new home(?).

the file name reflects the latest version that I knew of (or was
told of) at the time this FAQ was sent out.  if you know a newer
one is available, and there was no announcement posted to comma
after a week or so, please send me the information for inclusion
(or better yet, post the entire announcement to comma so everyone
can get the whole story, instead of just the summary here).

see also the `announcements' section in the comma intro on how to
get the announcements automatically crossposted to comma.

105. maintainer index

this information is culled from public postings to newsgroups,
or files available to the public via ftp.  because of this, I
have not tried all the addresses to make sure they are still
functional, nor do I have the time to do a routine check of them
every so often.

you may also want to check, eg., garbo.uwasa.fi:/pc/pd2/author29.zip
and (in the same directory) authwn07.zip

please do not abuse these people's time -- send them mail specific
to their own products, not about how to get files via ftp.  that
gives them more time to work on software, and that benefits us all.

if you have some burning questions, the best thing you could
possibly do is to check out news.newusers.questions -- there's
a lot of information already there.

  if I have the wrong address or a suboptimal address listed here,
  _please_ contact me directly so that I can correct it for you as
  quickly as possible.  I don't want to put any email addresses in
  here that don't want mail.  thanks.

waffle        dell@wiretap.spies.com
uupc          help@kew.com
uupc-msw      help@kew.com
uupc-os2      help@kew.com
fsuucp        was support@toys.fubarsys.com; try chris@ivanova.punk.net
snews         dan@fch.wimsey.bc.ca
pcnews-uu     lindh@uhasun.hartford.edu
cppnews       cppnews@trmphrst.demon.co.uk
tmail         dcs@witsend.stat.com
tmailpostnews dcs@witsend.stat.com
helldiver     rhys@fit.qut.edu.au
wrn           frankv@alf.pec.co.nz
nwreader      sreck@rebox.in-berlin.de
rwmail        sreck@rebox.in-berlin.de
rnf           daniel@blackhl.xs4all.nl
trumpet       peter@trumpet.com.au
wintrumpet    peter@trumpet.com.au
rnr           Russell_Schulz@locutus.ofB.ORG
pc-eudora     eudora-sales@qualcomm.com
ftpnuz        72357,3547@compuserve.com
mks-uucp      inquiry@mks.com
internetanyw  mksia@mks.com
zipnews       jkilday@nlbbs.com
zipnewsreader jkilday@nlbbs.com
solar         kjhoule@iowegia.des-moines.ia.us
tin-dvx       seant@ratsys.com
tin-os2       ...
pcelm         freiss.pad@sni.de
elm4waf       ianj@ijpc.uucp
elm-pc        pjc@ic.ac.uk
winelm        pjc@ic.ac.uk
mush          moc@lena.uucp
uuslave       ellis@ofa.com
pduucp        ...
xp/crosspoint crosspoint@bionic.zer.de
hackticnr     kafka@desert.hacktic.nl
popmail       (superseded by minuet)
minuet        minuet@boombox.micro.umn.edu
nupop         nupop@casbah.acns.nwu.edu
fxuucico      jorge@satlink.net
winvn         rushing@titan.ksc.nasa.gov [winvn@ is the developer list]
snuupm        mlawrie@apies.frd.ac.za
pegasusmail   support@pmail.gen.nz, bugs@pmail.gen.nz
winpegasus    ...
wafpegasus    ross@westmead.health.su.oz.au
wafwinpegasus cosmo@halcyon.com
newsreader/2  [part of the IBM OS/2 TCP/IP retail package]
lamail-ibm    [part of the IBM OS/2 TCP/IP retail package]
multimail-ibm [part of the IBM OS/2 TCP/IP retail package]
qvtnet        djpk@troi.cc.rochester.edu
snuz          mcdonald@aries.scs.uiuc.edu
pcrrn         ...
boxer         paul@eunet.co.at
mail-it       mail-it@unipalm.co.uk
mail-it-rem   mail-it@unipalm.co.uk
cinetic       Cinetic@speedy.cam.org
cnews-dos     cnews@joker.ruhr.de, cnews-request@faerun.mi.org
elm-os2       ...
dumpgrp       ...
lamailpop     ...
latimes       gutzs@crl.aecl.ca
tinymail-kalf turgut@ege.edu.tr
mail-ccg      geurin@nosc.mil
pmnews        serls@dashs.denver.co.us
rn-os2        ...
rexxnews-os2  ...
trn           davison@borland.com
trn-os2       haen@veces.stgt.sub.org, term@godot.stgt.sub.org
snews-os2     ...
pmfsudg       xmpcwsh@dp7up.com
ecsmail       ecs-info@edm.isac.ca
smaildos      sct%seldon@skybridge.SCL.CWRU.Edu
nfsmail       4341@msg.abc.se
mit-red       ...
barbernews    sob@bcm.tmc.edu
olsenews      kjetilo@usit.uio.no
pcnews-nfs    pilchuck!jgray
telepathy     ashmount@cix.compulink.co.uk [... not confirmed!]
wigwam        ashmount@cix.compulink.co.uk [... not confirmed!]
emacs-gnus    ...
emacs-rmail   ...
eep           paul@eunet.co.at
winbiff       steck@acm.org
hsend         rhys@fit.qut.edu.au
nscu          ...
cwexp         cwinemil@keys.lonestar.org
sexpire       ...
mexpire       ...
nexp          ...
hpv           rhys@fit.qut.edu.au
yarn          cthuang@io.org
yarn-os2      cthuang@io.org
unor          rrusbasa@nyx.cs.du.edu
paperboy      vart@eniac.seas.upenn.edu
pc-pine       pine@cac.wasington.edu
pathways      rick@twg.com
winn          shaman@cyberia.bowlgreen.oh.us
minihost      minihost@sph.spb.su
commset       dedgar@cybercon.nb.ca
slnr          ppg@oasis.icl.co.uk
winnetmail    davideo@aborigine.win.net
watergate     mvdl@et.tudelft.nl
procc         Russell_Schulz@locutus.ofB.ORG
wafcontrol    jbla@giraffe.in-berlin.de
rfdmail       yon@world.std.com
wsmtpd        ...
pgpwaffle     pgpwaff@star.hou.tx.us
offlinepgp    staalesc@ifi.uio.no
wafvacation   larry@birdsong.sunnyvale.ca.us
wfs           larry@birdsong.sunnyvale.ca.us
v-mailserver  rick@vansys.com, rick@vsystem.wimsey.bc.ca
aser          rahardj@cc.umanitoba.ca
chameleon     donna@netmanage.com
admstat       mick@rheinl.ruhr.de
mosaic        mosaic-w@void.ncsa.uiuc.edu
cyberdesk     cyber@netcom.com
air-mail-news info@spry.com
winuuall      winuuall@bassline.infocom.co.uk
appsig        roy@cybrspc.mn.org
ruux          roy@cybrspc.mn.org
ruuxqt        roy@cybrspc.mn.org
themodassist  roy@cybrspc.mn.org
relaysysmail  lvds@stdin.frmug.gna.org
coprivreader  root@copriv.gold.sub.org
readmail      jschipper@hut.nl
wafpostnews   aa@nforest.pulp.nullnet.fi
mimelite      gisle@oslonett.no
wsgmail       junodj@css583.gordon.army.mil
ipswitchmail  support@ipswitch.com
emacsmail-os2 ...
uugate-os2    ...
mail-shuffle  ...
newsdb-os2    100274.162@compuserve.com
uubatch       ...
umail         mike@avon.demon.co.uk
rmheaders     C.W.G.M.Enders@kub.nl
niespnr       niesp@inf.fu-berlin.de
newsuudecode  ...
subnet        mick@rheinl.ruhr.de
newsy         cwinemil@keys.lonestar.org
ka9q          ...
textwin       ...
charon        ...
mercury       ...
pronto        pronto@commtouch.com, [800-63-TOUCH,+1 415 578 8580]
pronto-ip     pronto@commtouch.com, [800-63-TOUCH,+1 415 578 8580]
mailto        u5533129@ucsvc.ucs.unimelb.edu.au
mpack         mpack-bugs@andrew.cmu.edu
mime64        hahn@lds.loral.com
pcmailmanager Lars_Hagberg@li.icl.se
makenews      Russell_Schulz@locutus.ofB.ORG
mailqueue     david@csource.oz.au
uulink        [none!  voice +1 818 225 2800; fax +1 818 225 7203]
nnrnews       hero@login.dkuug.dk
wmserver-os2  larso@wmute.trillium.se
xrn-dvx       dylan@takoyaki.demon.co.uk, turnbull@shako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
uufree        uufree@locutus.ofB.ORG
ntnetnews     netnews@jeck.wa.com
offliner      [was: harknesb@metronet.com; now unknown]
batscan       roy@cybrspc.mn.org
unpost        ...
interramp     interramp-info@psi.com
panda         isca@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu
amanda        rat@ruth.fullfeed.com
sysget        waldmn@rz.highland.sub.org
telematrix    [unknown:  was gary@asiapac.dialix.oz.au]
alamito       support@ideal.clark.net
netscape      ...
nntpd-dvx     ...
nn-dvx        storner@osiris.ping.dk
techmail      ...
ucdavismail   ...
tfsgateway    info@tenfour.se
searchlitnews cain_p@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz
nosview       mbramwel@uwo.ca
dics          mgibbons@oemcomp.demon.co.uk
olavtollefsen olavt@ksedb.no
cybord        info@cybteam.demon.co.uk
newsxpress    kenng@hk.super.net
newswerthy    billw@eskimo.com
newsbase      jeremy@silicon.demon.co.uk
newswin       dhodgson@sunbrook.demon.co.uk
winsmtp       wildside@wildside.kwnet.on.ca
winsmtp       jackdw@metrics.com (?)
tetrix        Johannes@tetrix.internet-eireann.ie
brn           Budi_Rahardjo@UManitoba.Ca
mailpagegate  ...
souper        cthuang@io.org
slipit        khweis@mvmpc9.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de
pbbsuucp      wuxx0037@gold.tc.umn.edu
atismail      atismail@atis.nl
wssoup        magnus@world.net
neologicsuite gutz@hookup.net
genesis       postmaster@itc.com
metamail-os2  ...
pmbiff        ...
cmail-os2     ...
windis        ...
inetformsmail infoinet@achilles.net
wsomr         wang@durian.usc.edu.ph
ftp-smtpsrv   ? @ftp.com
edrhr         ...
faxbatch      PETER@cardiology.medrmh.unimelb.edu.au
newsmerg      arnstein@netcom.com
popbiff-os2   marziani@vaxfe.fe.infn.it
qnews         rdavies@fox.nstn.ns.ca
forte-agent   agent-info@forteinc.com
autonews      EDL@cityscape.co.uk
wfltr         richl@gaseer.com
uuplan        scm@picasso.wcape.school.za
pop3d         ai@casper.che.nsk.su
dante         boud@rempt.xs4all.nl
uupc-su       ...
beautymail    ...
dml           ...
cfvvotetaker  gustav@flipper.xs4all.nl
mailsrv-os2   a.vermeulen@ecn.nl
postroadmail  innoval@ibm.net
ibminetcon    eruffing@VNET.IBM.COM
imail         astevens@ddj.com
pop3client    raduffy@teachersoft.com
ddigest       bobr@mcs.com
foldscan      jhoglund@mirage.skypoint.com
supertcp      info@frontiertech.com
nautnews      strombus@xmission.com
mimail        info@irisoft.be
phhnews       fransen@thing.xs4all.nl
inetsuite     [someone]@qdeck.com
popwatch-os2  pjchilds@apanix.apana.org.au
turnpike      info@turnpike.com
netcetera     netcetera@airtime.co.uk
intergate     randy@gruntsoftware.com
oui           ...@dvorak.com
pmmail        ...
mailboxskim   Ernesto.Garcia@juge.com
quickelm      badda@btp2x5.phy.uni-bayreuth.de
shownews      rreid@ecst.csuchico.edu
opmail        oleperch@zaphod.ping.dk
exploreinet   info@ftp.com

106. ftp index

if you are the maintainer of a package, and I have shown a site
that you feel is not appropriate, please let me know.  if I have
shown a frequently-updated mirror site, keep in mind that using
a mirror site that has everything on it may be easier for users than
having to go to a different site for every package.  if I have shown
a site which mirrors, but too infrequently, please inform me of a
better reference.

many of these files come from the simtel repository.  one site
which can handle many ftp users at once holds the files in
wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/msdos/.  another very large, very
available mirror is ftp.uu.net:/systems/ibmpc/msdos/simtel.
of course, the main simtel mirror is oak.oakland.edu:/SimTel/.

please try to strike a balance between instant availability of
the newest versions and practical ability to handle the transfers.
if your software is available on a bogged down SLIP link and two
days later on ftp.uu.net, I would rather point people to the latter.

waffle        simtel:msdos/waffle/waf165.zip
uupc          omnigate.clarkson.edu:/pub/msdos/uupc/*
uupc-msw      omnigate.clarkson.edu:/pub/msdos/uupc/*
uupc-os2      omnigate.clarkson.edu:/pub/msdos/uupc/*
fsuucp        simtel:msdos/uucp/fs132*.zip  ; ftp.punk.net:/pub/FSUUCP/*
snews         simtel:msdos/uucp/snws191*.zip,snews191.zip
pcnews-uu     ...
cppnews       ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/trumphurst/cppnews/cppnws40.zip
tmail         simtel:msdos/uucp/tmail116.zip
tmailpostnews [posted to c.o.m.ma]
helldiver     ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/helld107.zip
wrn           ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/wrn093.zip,wrnsr094.zip
nwreader      ftp.fu-berlin.de:/pub/pc/msdos/news/nn315.zoo
rwmail        ftp.fu-berlin.de:/pub/pc/msdos/news/rwm225.zoo
rnf           simtel:msdos/waffle/rnf078.zip
trumpet       ftp.utas.edu.au:/pc/trumpet/trmp106b.zip
wintrumpet    ftp.utas.edu.au:/pc/trumpet/wintrump/*.*
rnr           ftp.supernet.ab.ca:/pub/msdos/uufree/rnr200.zip
pc-eudora     simtel:msdos/windows3/eudora14.zip
pc-eudora     ftp.qualcomm.com:/...
ftpnuz        ftp.ftp.com:/support/pubdom/ftpnuz11.zip
mks-uucp      [retail package]
internetanyw  [retail package]
zipnews       simtel:msdos/offline/znews97g.zip
zipnewsreader simtel:msdos/offline/znr093b.zip
solar         simtel:msdos/waffle/solar094.zip
solar         ftp.netis.com: ?
solar         http://www.netins.net/~kevin/solar.html
tin-dvx       simtel:msdos/dv-x/dvxtin.zip
tin-os2       ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/tin122.zip
pcelm         simtel:msdos/ka9q/pcelm321.zip
elm4waf       ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/miscnets/e4w100.zip
elm-pc        lister.cc.ic.ac.uk:/pub/elm-pc/elmpcv21.zip
winelm        lister.cc.ic.ac.uk:/pub/winelm/winelm.exe
mush          simtel:msdos/uucp/mush7*.zip
uuslave       ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/fidonet/ufgate/uusl_y10.lzh
pduucp        ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/uucp/pcuucp.zip
xp/crosspoint ftp.fu-berlin.de:/pub/pc/bbs/crosspoint/*
xp/crosspoint ftp.riva.com:/pub/dos/xpe1.exe
hackticnr     ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/hnr140.zip
popmail       boombox.micro.umn.edu:/pc/popmail/popmail-3.2.2/*
minuet        boombox.micro.umn.edu:/pc/minuet/minuarc.exe
nupop         ftp.acns.nwu.edu:/pub/nupop/nupop*.zip
fxuucico      simtel:msdos/waffle/fxuc1.zip
winvn         ftp.ksc.nasa.gov:/pub/win3/winvn/*
winvn         titan.ksc.nasa.gov:/pub/win3/winvn/*
snuupm        simtel:msdos/uucp/snuupm27.zip
pegasusmail   simtel:msdos/novell/pmail322.zip
winpegasus    simtel:win3/mail/winpm122.zip, win3/mail/winpm-se.zip
wafpegasus    ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/miscnets/w165peg9.zip
wafpegasus    simtel:msdos/novell/wafpegtp.zip
wafwinpegasus ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/mail/wpegwaf.zip
newsreader/2  [part of the IBM OS/2 TCP/IP retail package]
lamail-ibm    [part of the IBM OS/2 TCP/IP retail package]
multimail-ibm [part of the IBM OS/2 TCP/IP retail package]
qvtnet        biochemistry.bioc.cwru.edu:/pub/qvtnet/qvtne396.zip
snuz          [...]/snuz.zoo
pcrrn         amex.arc.nasa.gov:/pub/MSDOS/PCRRN/*
boxer         eunet.co.at:/pub/news/eep/boxerb07.zip
mail-it       [retail package]
mail-it-rem   [retail package]
cinetic       simtel:msdos/windows3/cmm21f.zip,cmm21s.zip
cnews-dos     simtel:msdos/waffle/wcnw105c.zip
cnews-dos     ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/wcnw120b.zip
elm-os2       ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/elm23exe.zip,elm23src.zip
elm-os2       ftp.leo.org:/pub/comp/os/os2/mail+news/elm23-2.zip
dumpgrp       ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/dumpgrp.zip
lamailpop     ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/lampop11.zip
latimes       ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/ltimes21.zip (now 33...)
tinymail-kalf ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/mail19.zip
mail-ccg      ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/mail22.zip
pmnews        ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/pmnews.zip
rn-os2        ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/rn38d.zip
rexxnews-os2  ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/rxnew11a.zip
trn           [mail author to be put on beta list]
trn-os2       ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/trn???12.zip,trn_195b.zip,mth*
trn-os2       ftp.leo.org:/pub/comp/os/os2/mail+news/trn_197b.zip
snews-os2     ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/all/network/snews_20.zip =snews-2.zip...?
pmfsudg       risc.ua.edu:/pub/network/pegasus/misc/pmfsudg.zip
ecsmail       isagate.isac.ca:/ecsmail/mua/windows/*
smaildos      simtel:msdos/uucp/smailbin.zip,smailsrc.zip
nfsmail       simtel:msdos/nfs/nfsml202.zip
mit-red       ...
barbernews    ftp.york.ac.uk:/[...]/news.zip
olsenews      ftp.york.ac.uk:/[...]/nn-src.zip,nn-exe.zip,nn-doc.zip
pcnews-nfs    simtel:msdos/nfs/pcnews.zip
telepathy     ...
wigwam        [available from Compuserve anyway]
emacs-gnus    ...
emacs-rmail   ...
eep           eunet.co.at:/pub/news/eep/eep1_9.tar.Z
winbiff       simtel:win3/mail/wnbff30a.zip
hsend         ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/hsend105.zip
nscu          ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/nscu11.zip
cwexp         ftp.halcyon.com:/disk2/waffle/miscnets/cwexp108.zoo
sexpire       ...
mexpire       ...
nexp          simtel:msdos/waffle/nexp20.zip
hpv           simtel:msdos/waffle/hpv101b.zip
yarn          simtel:msdos/offline/yarn_086.zip
yarn-os2      ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/comm/yrn2_086.zip
yarn          ftp.nation.org:/pub/offline/*
yarn-os2      ftp.nation.org:/pub/offline/*
unor          ftp.gte.com:/pub/unor/unor0030.zip
paperboy      ftp.clark.net:/pub/vart/pboy205.zip
pc-pine       ftp.cac.washington.edu:/pine/pcpine/README
pathways      [retail package; phone 800 872 8649 or +1 415 962 7100]
winn          [...]
minihost      cica:demo/mhdemo11.zip
minihost      ftp.kiae.su:/windows/mail/mhdemo-e.zip
commset       nstn.ns.ca:/pub/pc-stuff/commset/*
slnr          [alt.sources...]
winnetmail    simtel:win3/internet/wnmai251.zip
watergate     zeus.nijenrode.nl:/pub/people/michel/wg940602.zip
procc         ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/procc-05.zip
wafcontrol    ftp.FU-Berlin.DE:/pub/pc/news/wctl14.zoo
rfdmail       simtel:msdos/windows3/rfdml123.zip
wsmtpd        cica:winsock/wsmtpd16.zip
pgpwaffle     [in beta testing]
offlinepgp    simtel:msdos/offline/apgp212.zip
wafvacation   simtel:msdos/waffle/vac170.zip
wfs           simtel:msdos/waffle/wfs332.zip
v-mailserver  simtel:msdos/waffle/vms220.zip
aser          simtel:msdos/waffle/aser28.zip, ftp.ee.umanitoba.ca:/p*/m*/w*/aser*
chameleon     ftp.netmanage.com:/pub/demos/chameleon/*
admstat       simtel:msdos/waffle/admst11b.zip
mosaic        ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:/Mosaic/Windows/mos*
cyberdesk     [retail package] brochure: netcom.com:/pub/cyber/cdbro.exe
air-mail-news [retail package; phone 800 spry net; phone +1 206 447 0300]
winuuall      [still in testing]
appsig        simtel:msdos/waffle/apsig105.zip
ruux          ...
ruuxqt        ...
themodassist  ...
relaysysmail  ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/mail/rsm11.arj
coprivreader  ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/reader.lzh
readmail      ftp.winternet.com:/pub/ReadMail/rm50b75.zip
wafpostnews   ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/wpnews.zip
mimelite      oslonett.no:/Software/MsDos/Kommunikasjon/Offline/mimelt20.zip
wsgmail       [US Government users only - contact author]
ipswitchmail  [retail package - equivalent of wsgmail]
emacsmail-os2 ftp.leo.org:/pub/comp/os/os2/tcpip/emacs-mail.zip
uugate-os2    ftp.leo.org:/pub/comp/os/os2/mail+news/uugat023.zip
mail-shuffle  ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/2_x/network/shuffle2.zip
newsdb-os2    ftp.leo.org:/pub/comp/os/os2/mail+news/newsdb10.zip
uubatch       ...
umail         ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/ibmpc/windows/umail/*
rmheaders     simtel:msdos/textutil/rmhead11.zip
niespnr       simtel:msdos/offline/mynr11.zip
newsuudecode  simtel:msdos/decode/nwsuu125.zip
subnet        simtel:msdos/waffle/subn141.zip
newsy         SimTel:win3/offline/newsy120.zip
ka9q          ...
textwin       ...
charon        risc.ua.edu:/pub/network/pegasus/charon40a...
mercury       simtel:msdos/novell/merc113.zip
pronto        [retail package] eval: commtouch.com:/pub/commtouch/eval.exe
pronto-ip     [retail package] eval: commtouch.com:/pub/commtouch/prontoip.exe
mailto        simtel:msdos/novell/mailto.zip
mpack         ftp.andrew.cmu.edu:/pub/mpack/* (*d.zip for dos, *o.zip for os2)
mime64        simtel:msdos/decode/mime64b.zip
pcmailmanager [retail package] email for demo
makenews      simtel:msdos/filutl/mknews20.zip
mailqueue     ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/mail/mailq101.zip
uulink        [none known]
nnrnews       simtel:msdos/offline/nnrnews2.zip
wmserver-os2  ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/...
xrn-dvx       qdeck.com:/upload/xrnalpha.zip...?
uufree        ftp.supernet.ab.ca:/pub/msdos/uufree/uufree06.zip
uufree        ftp.supernet.ab.ca:/pub/msdos/uufree/uufres06.zip
ntnetnews     ftp.wa.com:/pub/local/ntnews/*
offliner      [old: metronet.com:/pub/xfer/ol06a.zip]
offliner      ftp.oslonett.no:/gopher/Software/Windows/Comm/Offline/ol06b.zip
batscan       ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/bscan28.zip
unpost        simtel:msdos/decode/unpos234.zip
interramp     [vendor never replied to request for info]
panda         cica:winsock/winpanda.zip
amanda        simtel:msdos/waffle/amanda1j.zip
sysget        [mail from author]
telematrix    [unknown:  was ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/tmx060.zip]
alamito       ftp.clark.net:/pub/ideal/*
netscape      ftp.netscape.com:/netscape*
nntpd-dvx     qdeck.com:/pub/dvx/utils/nntpd1_4.zip
nn-dvx        qdeck.com:/pub/dvx/ports/apps/nn650dvx.zip
techmail      net-dist.mit.edu:/pub/dos/techmail-win/readme.tmw
ucdavismail   ftp.ucdavis.edu:/dos-public/UCDNet/acornx.exe
tfsgateway    ...
searchlitnews ftp.halcyon.com:/pub/waffle/news/sl15.zip
nosview       [...]/view9302.zip
dics          ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/ibmpc/winsock/apps/dics/*
olavtollefsen ftp.ksedb.no:/NTNews/news070.zip
cybord        [beta test--mail authors]
newsxpress    ftp.hk.super.net:/pub/windows/Winsock-Utilities/nx10b4-p.zip
newswerthy    simtel:msdos/offline/nwrth182.zip
newswerthy    ftp.eskimo.com:/u/b/billw/nwrth182.zip
newsbase      ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/ibmpc/windows/newsbase/nb1_36bt.zip
newswin       ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/ibmpc/windows/newswin/*
winsmtp       simtel:win3/winsock/ssmtp106.zip
winsmtp       ftp.metrics.com:/smtp/stst07b7.zip
tetrix        ftp.internet-eireann.ie:/pub/ie_access/dos/winsock/trp*
tetrix        cica:winsock/trp110.zip
brn           ftp.ee.umanitoba.ca:/pub/msdos/waffle/brn*
mailpagegate  simtel:msdos/netpage/gate212.zip
souper        ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/network/tcpip/souper13.zip
slipit        mvmpc9.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de:/gopher/public/x_slip/*
slipit        simtel:msdos/offline/slip_itj.zip
pbbsuucp      simtel:msdos/bbs/pbu_113.zip
atismail      simtel:win3/winsock/atisml05.zip
wssoup        http://www.ozemail.com.au/~magnus
neologicsuite ftp.cdrom.com:/pub/os2/32bit/network/tcpip/nsuite2.zip
genesis       ftp.netcom.com:/pub/.../gen4_0.zip
metamail-os2  ftp.leo.org:/pub/comp/os/os2/mail+news/metamail.zip
pmbiff        ftp.leo.org:/pub/comp/os/os2/mail+news/pmbiff12.zip
cmail-os2     ftp.leo.org:/pub/comp/os/os2/tcpip/cmail25.zip
windis        ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/ibmpc/winsock/apps/windis/*
inetformsmail ftp.achilles.net:/vendor/netApp/Inet/inet_102.zip
wsomr         simtel:msdos/offline/wsomr100.zip
ftp-smtpsrv   ? [retail package] +1 800 282 4387
edrhr         simtel:msdos/editor/edrhr15*.zip
faxbatch      simtel:msdos/lan/faxbat20.zip
newsmerg      ...
popbiff-os2   ftp-os2.nmsu.edu:/os2/network/tcpip/popbif10.zip
qnews         simtel:win3/winsock/qn09b3.zip
forte-agent   ftp.forteinc.com:/pub/forte/free_agent/fagent10.zip
forte-agent   [commercial full-blown version available, not for ftp]
autonews      ftp.cityscape.co.uk:/users/ay89/autonews.zip
wfltr         ftp.netcom.com:/pub/ri/richl/wfltr1b1.zip
uuplan        risc.ua.edu:/pub/network/pegasus/misc/uuplan13.zip
pop3d         ftp.cdrom.com:/pub/os2/incoming/pop3d11.zip
dante         http:/www.xs4all.nl/~bsarempt
uupc-su       ftp.kiae.su:/relcom/msdos/ache/uupc-latest/...
beautymail    ftp.kiae.su:/relcom/msdos/ache/uupc-latest/...
dml           ftp.kiae.su:/msdos/news-mail/dml123.exe
cfvvotetaker  simtel:msdos/waffle/votet100.zip
mailsrv-os2   ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/network/tcpip/maisrv10.zip
postroadmail  ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/demos/pstrd102.zip
ibminetcon    http://www.raleigh.ibm.com
imail         ftp.mv.com:/pub/ddj/packages/imail.zip
pop3client    ftp.mv.com:/pub/ddj/1995.04/pop3.zip
ddigest       simtel:msdos/offline/ddig-006.zip
foldscan      mirage.skypoint.com:/pub/members/jhoglund/foldscan.zip
supertcp      ftp.frontiertech.com:/demo/shademo.exe
nautnews      ftp.xmission.com:/pub/users/s/strombus/nn051b.zip
mimail        ftp.eunet.be:pub/EUnet/dos/*
phhnews       simtel:win3/offline/phn044b.zip
phhnews       simtel:win3/offline/phnextra.zip
phhnews       <http://www.xs4all.nl/~hawk>
inetsuite     ftp.qdeck.com:/...
popwatch-os2  hobbes.nmsu.edu:/os2/unix/popw12.zip  
turnpike      ftp.turnpike.com:/pub/evals109.zip
netcetera     ftp.airtime.co.uk:/netcetera/netcetra.zip
intergate     ftp.gruntsoftware.com:/pub/customer/norfolk/randy/igwsetup.exe
oui           <http://www.dvorak.com> (down)
pmmail        ftp-os2.cdrom.com:/os2/network/tcpip/pmmail1.zip
mailboxskim   simtel:msdos/network/mbox-s11.zip
quickelm      simtel:msdos/offline/qelm102.zip
shownews      simtel:msdos/offline/sn-311.zip
opmail        garbo.uwasa.fi:/windows/comm/opmail11.zip
exploreinet   http://www.ftp.com

200. uucp

201. discussion

at the heart of uucp is `uucico', which is a file transfer protocol,
like kermit or zmodem.  however, with uucp it is easier, or at least
there are conventions which make it portably _possible_, to do some
networking/system administration tasks, like:

  - queue a file transfer to be done automatically at a later time
    when phone rates are lower

  - assign a command to be run once a file is received
    (common examples include rmail for delivering mail, and rnews
    for unbatching network news).  this command can have parameters,
    such as an address to pass to rmail

uucp has, historically, often been poorly/incompletely implemented,
and these poor/incomplete implementations have often been relatively
slow.  this does not mean uucp itself is slow, and we are seeing
more uucp implementations of late which are fast, yet still as
network-capable as uucp has always been.

the 200s section will look at uucico implementations.  often, these
come with add-ons to make up a full uucp suite -- uucp, uux, uuqueue,
and similar programs.

202. waffle


> UUCICO.EXE is copyrighted but freely distributable. This ONLY
> applies to uucico and not to ANY other files in the Waffle package.

see the entire file for more information.

non-redistributable source for most of the waffle modules is available
for a fee.

203. uupc, uupc-msw [msw], uupc-os2 [os2] -- uupc/extended

shareware/freeware -- depends on how you interpret the license docs.
native ms-windows, os2, and ms-nt versions are ftp-able also.

204. fsuucp

shareware.  command-line, standalone versions of the modules.
> you may want to make mention that the author is 100% keen to
> make any package fsuucp-compatible, if the author of the
> package wants to work with me on it.

205. mks-uucp

not available for ftp
part of the mks toolkit
included as part of their _DOS User's Guide to the Internet_ book [see intro]
contact: inquiry@mks.com, 800-265-2797, +1 519-884-2251 voice

> [the release manager] said that if those programmers want to get
> information about writing newsreaders, he would be glad to help them.
> In general, we've not made a packet of information available as we
> do not support programmers using our products.  We will give them
> the information they need, if they request it.

206. internetanyw [msw]

not available for ftp

> We have done our own Cnews port to DOS. It is based on Cnews but has its
> own modifications. For example, we use a database to store all the news
> articles.
> For the mail reader, we've written our own interface that can handle
> standard e-mail.

207. uuslave

can not originate calls?  can only originate calls?  ...

208. pduucp/pcuucp

appears to be just dcp with a rmail.  may be dcp itself in a new package.

209. dcp

`d'os copy instead of `u'nix-`u'nix copy

210. xp/crosspoint

Deutsch-only documentation currently officially available, but see
ftp location list for a rumored English version.

211. fxuucico


212. mail-it-rem [msw]

> Mail-it [remote]'s uucico was written specifically for use with
> Mail-it [remote] and its file formats and naming conventions are
> specific to the program (details are available on request, if required).

213. minihost [msw]


214. winnetmail [msw]

> WinNET Mail is a an MS Windows application that provides a tremendous
> front end interface to Computer Witchcraft's uucp Internet/Usenet
> service or any uucp service provider.  When used with an alternative
> UUCP provider WinNET is ShareWare with registration required.  The
> software is extremely easy to use and has a beautiful tool bar for
> point and click functionality.

215. uufree

free uucp/mail/news implementation, with easy installation and
configuration, and a menu-driven interface.  uses waffle's uucico.

216. uulink

unable to contact authors so far...

217. uupc-su

... Soviet uupc extension

300. mail/news transport agents, batchers, servers

301. discussion

some packages work with messages stored on disk and transferred to other
machines later (often using uucp, and the rmail and rnews commands),
while others send or receive the mail immediately over a network
connection (often using SMTP, POP, or IMAP for mail, and NNTP for news).

302. filesystem

303. waffle - waffle mail; waffle news (including feeds)
304. uupc - uupc mail; can unbatch news
305. uupc-msw [msw] - uupc mail
306. uupc-os2 [os2] - uupc mail (uses hpfs)
307. fsuucp - fsuucp mail; fsuucp news (including feeds)
308. snews (for uupc) - uupc news
309. cnews-dos - waffle news (including feeds)
310. mks-uucp - ported C News
311. internetanyw [msw] - ported C News
312. smaildos
313. zipnews
314. solar - soup
315. watergate - `an integrated UUCP and FIDO mailprocessor'
316. uugate-os2 [os2] - Internet/Fidonet gateway
317. uubatch - batched, compressed mail
318. uufree - leaf only
319. uulink [...]
320. amanda - fido<->usenet
321. tfsgateway - msmail<->uucp
322. dics - mapi<->smtp
323. souper [os2] - creates a SOUP file set from SLIP mail and news
324. pbbsuucp - UUCP<->Fido(*.msg) Easy handler
325. wssoup [msw] - creates a SOUP file set from SLIP mail and news
326. slipit - creates a SOUP file set from SLIP mail and news
327. faxbatch - pegasus->fax gateway
328. uupc-su - ?
###. a bunch of pegasus<->waffle,uupc gateways...

400. network

for an overview of TCP/IP implementations for msdos, ms-windows,
or os2, see the newsgroup `comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc'.  it has
a FAQ of its own which can be obtained via ftp.  see the `other
FAQs' section in the comma intro.

401. wsmtpd [msw] - smtp
402. wsgmail [msw] - smtp, pop
403. ipswitchmail [msw] - smtp, pop
404. unnamed part of IBM OS/2 TCP/IP retail package...?
405. nntpd-dvx [dvx] - nntp
406. cybord [msw] - smtp
407. winsmtp [msw] - smtp, pop
408. windis [msw] - ? `smtp <-> pegasus, ka9q ; packages soup news'
409. inetformsmail [msw] - ms-mail <-> smtp/pop
410. ftp-smtpsrv ? smtp
411. pop3d [os2] - pop        ...
412. mailsrv-os2 [os2] - ultimail replacement
413. ntnetnews [wnt] - nntp-compliant news server
414. intergate [wnt] - free msmail/smtp gateway

500. mail/news user agents

501. discussion

some sites mount their news disks over (eg.) NFS, so the news appears
as, for instance, x:\news\comp\mail\misc\22694 (this would be the
22694th article in the group comp.mail.misc).  on such a system, you
should be able to read mail or news with any of the `filesystem'
packages (possibly with some extra setup).  most other IP network
(TCP/IP, SLIP, PPP) connections are with NNTP, SMTP, POP, or IMAP.

with some tweaking (usually just duplication of configuration files)
you can often read mail/news with any of the filesystem-based
packages (snews' separate format is the biggest exception).  you
might not be able to post/reply very easily, due to the more
drastic differences in the file layouts the uucico modules expect.
unfortunately, uucp often deals with file names like D.foo2b6IC
which Unix sites can handle easily, but msdos cannot.  there are
a few obvious ways to translate these names to msdos-compatible
names, but, unfortunately, they're not compatible with each other.

there have been intentions posted of having more software work with
more of the uucico layouts, which is a Good Thing.  waffle and
fsuucp, at least, have explicitly documented their conversion routines
in the past.  and uupc ships with source.

502. filesystem

503. waffle - waffle mail; waffle news
504. uupc - uupc mail
505. uupc-msw [msw] - uupc mail
506. uupc-os2 [os2] - uupc mail
507. snews - uupc news
508. pcnews-uu - uupc news
509. cppnews - uupc news (snews)
510. tmail - uupc mail; waffle mail
511. fsuucp - fsuucp mail; fsuucp news
512. helldiver [msw] - waffle mail; waffle news
513. wrn [msw] - waffle news
514. nwreader - waffle news
515. rwmail - waffle mail
516. rnf - waffle mail; waffle news
517. rnr - waffle news; some waffle mail support; uupc news
518. pcelm - uupc mail; waffle mail (elm4waf)
519. zipnewsreader - waffle mail; waffle news; zipnews mail; zipnews news
520. mush - uupc mail
521. hackticnr - waffle news
522. pegasusmail - waffle mail (wafpegasus); fsuucp mail (pmfsudg); uupc?
523. boxer [msw] - waffle mail; waffle news
524. mail-it-rem [msw] - mail
525. cinetic mail manager [msw] - uupc mail; fsuucp mail
526. mks-uucp - mks mail; mks news
527. internetanyw [msw] - internetanyw mail; internetanyw news
528. tin-os2 [os2] - uupc(?) news
529. nfsmail - nfs mail
530. tinymail-kalf [os2] - mail (calls `sendmail')
531. pcnews-nfs - any filesystem-based news; read-only
532. emacs-gnus - (?) news
533. emacs-rmail - (?) mail
534. hpv - soup
535. yarn - soup
536. yarn-os2 [os2] - soup
537. unor [msw] - soup
538. paperboy [msw] - soup
539. minihost [msw] - minihost mail
540. slnr - soup
541. trn - ...
542. trn-os2 [os2] - uupc news
543. winpegasus [msw] - pop mail; smtp mail outgoing; pegasus gateways
544. winuuall [msw] - waffle mail; waffle news
545. relaysysmail - waffle mail; waffle news
546. coprivreader - waffle news
547. readmail - soup; various other formats for read-only
548. umail - uupc news, uupc mail(?)
549. niespnr - downloaded nn folders
550. newsy [msw] - waffle mail; waffle news
551. mailto - pegasus mail send-only
552. offliner [msw] - soup; DISCONTINUED
553. telematrix [msw] - waffle mail; waffle news
554. alamito [msw] - waffle mail; waffle news
555. nn-dvx [dvx] - nntp news (filesystem with nntpd-dvx)
556. searchlitnews - waffle news
557. winn - waffle mail; waffle news
558. newswerthy - soup
559. tetrix [msw] - slip-based soup, nntp, smtp, pop
560. brn - waffle news; in perl
561. genesis - includes copy of fxuucico beta; unknown format
562. elm-os2 [os2] - uupc, tcp/ip (smtp?)
563. wsomr - soup
564. forte-agent [msw] - propietary offline and nntp+smtp/pop
565. dante [msw] - waffle mail; waffle news
566. beautymail - ?
567. dml - ?
568. imail - downloaded stripped mail messages
569. phhnews [msw] - ?
570. pmmail [os2] - ?
571. quickelm - proprietary offline mail
572. shownews - proprietary offline news
573. opmail [msw] - Windows-based MIME mailer for UUPC

600. network

601. trumpet - nntp news
602. wintrumpet [msw] - pop mail; nntp news
603. pc-eudora [msw] - mail
604. ftpnuz - nntp news
605. waffle - nntp news
606. tin-dvx [dvx] - nntp news
607. tin-os2 [os2] - nntp news
608. mail-ccg [os2] - pop mail
609. popmail - pop mail (superseded by minuet)
610. minuet - pop mail; nntp news
611. nupop - pop mail
612. winvn [msw] - nntp news
613. elm-pc - mail
614. winelm [msw] - mail (requires elm-pc)
615. newsreader/2 [os2] - nntp news
616. qvtnet [msw] - nntp news
617. snuz - nntp news
618. pcrrn - nntp news
619. mail-it [msw] - mail
610. cinetic mail manager [msw] - mail
621. dumpgrp [os2] - nntp news
622. mit-red - nntp news
623. barbernews - nntp news (read only)
624. olsenews - nntp news
625. tinymail-kalf [os2] - mail (reads mail locally)
626. telepathy [...]?
627. wigwam [...]?
628. pc-pine - imap mail
629. pathways - imap mail
630. rexxnews-os2 [os2] - nntp news
631. commset - pop mail; nntp news
632. chameleon - smtp mail; nntp news
633. mosaic [msw] - smtp mail; nntp news
634. cyberdesk [msw] - front end to Unix-based mail and news
635. air-mail-news [msw] - pop mail; nntp news
636. wsgmail [msw] - pop mail; pop mail server; smtp receive; smtp send
637. ipswitchmail [msw] - pop mail; pop mail server; smtp receive; smtp send
638. emacsmail-os2 [os2] - ...?
639. lamail-ibm [os2] - mail
640. multimail-ibm [os2] - mail
641. ecsmail [msw] - imap mail
642. pronto [msw] - front end to Unix-based mail and news
643. pcmailmanager [msw] - imap mail; smtp mail
644. winpegasus [msw] - pop mail; smtp mail outgoing; pegasus gateways
645. lamailpop [os2] - ...
646. latimes [os2] - nntp news
647. xrn-dvx [dvx] - nntp news
648. rfdmail [msw] - front end to Unix-based mail; smtp mail; pop mail
649. panda [msw] - nntp news
650. netscape [msw] - nntp news
651. nn-dvx [dvx] - nntp news (filesystem with nntpd-dvx)
652. techmail [msw] - pop mail
653. ucdavismail - pop mail
654. nosview - smtp mail (ka9q)
655. olavtollefsen [wnt] - nntp news
656. newsxpress [msw] - nntp news
657. newsbase [msw] - demon-internet-services/snews news
658. tetrix [msw] - slip-based soup
659. pronto-ip [msw] - smtp mail; pop mail
660. newswin [msw] - demon-internet-services/snews news
661. neologicsuite [os2] - nntp news...?
662. cmail-os2 [os2] - text mode mail front end for IBM TCP/IP (smtp?)
663. elm-os2 [os2] - uupc, tcp/ip (smtp?)
664. edrhr - nntp
665. qnews [msw] - nntp
666. autonews [msw] - offline slip? .exe posted to news.software.readers (dumb)
667. postroadmail [os2] - pop3 mail
668. tetrix [msw] - slip-based soup, nntp, smtp, pop
667. ibminetcon [msw] - nntp, smtp?
668. supertcp [msw] - nntp, mail
669. nautnews [msw] - nntp, slip-based proprietary offline
670. mimail [msw] - pop
671. pop3client [msw] - pop
672. inetsuite - ?
673. forte-agent [msw] - propietary offline and nntp+smtp/pop
674. turnpike [msw] - proprietary offline and nntp+smtp
675. netcetera [msw] - proprietary offline and nntp+smtp/pop
676. oui [msw] - priorietary?  (web site down)
677. atismail [msw] - pop, imap, smtp `MIME Novell/TCP-IP with X.500 DUA'
678. exploreinet ? - `mail' and `usenet' listed, no details yet

700. other

701. snuupm

The SNUUPM package provides a simple way to install and configure the
Snews newsreader, UUPC uucp-compatible transfer package, and Pegasus
Mail mail user agent packages.  Using DOUGMENU as a front-end, it
provides a uucp-based mail and news system for MS-DOS.  It will work
in a Windows or in a command-line environment.

if you have been frustrated by your first installation, or you want a
painless installation (for you or someone else), make sure you check
out this package.

702. eep

eep is a .newsrc editor [...]

703. winbiff

> WinBiff is a mail notification utility for Windows 3.1 which works with
> UUPC, Waffle, FSUUCP, Pegasus Mail, MS Mail, Novell MHS, PC-NFS, and 
> Eudora.  WinBiff is also a POP3/WinSock 1.1 client.

704. hsend

utility for batching news from different programs with a simpler
interface than rnews [...]

705. nscu

news spool cleanup utility [...]

706. cwexp

> This is a freeware expire program for Waffle.  You may contact the author
> for copies [by email].

707. sexpire

expire [...]

708. mexpire

expire [...]

709. procc

process Control: messages for waffle

710. wafcontrol

> process Control: messages for waffle, can create a join_new file
> in users' home directories that nwreader knows to look in for
> new groups to ask users if they want to join

711. pgpwaffle

> reads the messages in Waffle's smarthost spool directory and encrypt
> with PGP any messages bound for individuals whose keys you have in
> your public key ring

712. offlinepgp

> Offline AutoPGP (AutoPGP or APGP for short) is a program that
> integrates PGP encryption into your offline mail reader.

713. wafvacation

processes mail files in Waffle's user directories.

714. wfs

> Waffle File Server (WFS) provides a number of add-on functions for
> MS-DOS based Waffle.

> The Mail Based Archive Server (MBAS) permits files from Waffle's
> files system to be retrieved by remote users via email.  Files are
> sent as ascii files, uuencoded, or xxencoded depending on SysOp
> and/or user specified controls.  Mailed files are divided into parts
> suitable for mailing; the size of the parts is under SysOp control.

> The Automatic Mail (AutoMail) facility provides automatic reply for
> any mail addressed to a specific UserID at the site.  [...]

> The Remote Command Execution Facility (RCEF) provides the SysOp a
> means to invoke commands of his(her) own invention by sending commands
> to WFS via email, [...]

> The Mailing List Server (MLS) provides full mailing lists facilities.
> Multiple mailing lists are supported and are isolated from
> interaction.   [...]

715. v-mailserver

> V-MailServer is a powerful MSDOS-based list and file server.  It
> provides all the usual file server features, plus full mailing list
> support, automatic file requests, user-defined commands and a
> scripting language.  It is designed to work with any
> RFC822/1123-compliant mail system that runs under MSDOS.
> For more information send a blank message to vminfo@vansys.com.

716. aser

waffle mail-based archive server

717. admstat

evaluates Waffle's "uucico", "net", and "traffic" files

718. nexp

waffle expire in Perl

719. appsig

signature control for waffle -- pick signature from many

720. mimelite (formerly mimefold)

> mimelite is a "lightweight" library written in ANSI C that supports 
> the parsing of MIME headers and encoding/decoding of body parts, 
> suitable for inclusion in offline-readers.  It also contains UNMIME, a 
> standalone utility to decode MIMEd messages encoded with BASE64 or 

721. mail-shuffle [os2]

> E-Mail separator/distributor for IBM's TCP/IP SENDMAIL
> SHUFFLE is designed to separate incoming email by the userid in the 
> "To:" field, subject to a list of defined userids.  Separated userids 
> are placed in predefined & specified directories/in-boxes.  email to 
> unlisted userids is left untouched in the master in-box controlled by 
> SENDMAIL.  (LaMail can be reconfigured to use one of the separate 
> in-boxes, and still automatically sense arrival of new mail.)  
> By allowing separated in-boxes, multiple users of a single OS/2 
> system can have segregated and reasonably private email in-boxes.

722. newsdb-os2 [os2]

> make database of news articles

723. rmheaders

> Removes/changes headers of e-mail, news files

724. newsuudecode

> UUdecoder for news articles

725. subnet

> a utility that logs incoming and outgoing mail by date,
> length, sender, receiver and creates a summary of all
> mail activities in the bottom of the log files...

726. wafpostnews

written to get around a limitation in old versions of rusnews -- but
undoubtedly handy for those missing `Pnews' and ilk.

727. mpack

> Mpack and munpack are utilities for encoding and decoding
> (respectively) binary files in MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail
> Extensions) format mail messages.  For compabibility with older forms
> of transferring binary files, the munpack program can also decode
> messages in split-uuencoded format.

728. mime64

> MIME base64 is an encoding described in RFC1341.  Its purpose is to
> encode binary files into ASCII so that they may be passed through
> e-mail gates.  In this regard, MIME64 is similar to UUENCODE.
> This package contains both executable and ANSI-C source code for a
> MIME64 encoder/decoder (MIME64.EXE and MIME64.C respectively).

729. makenews

> makenews moves files into a directory in such a way that they
> can be easily used with filesystem-based newsreaders.  it uses
> numbers for filenames which are higher than any filename in
> the directory already.

730. mailqueue

two modes of operation:  in one mode (selected when you do not
have much memory available) it simply queues rmail or rnews
requests.  in the other mode (selected when you have more memory
available) it passes everything in the queue to rmail or rnews.

731. tmailpostnews

source posted, not yet up for ftp

732. ruux

replacement uux for waffle...

733. nnrnews

> NNRNEWS v1.0 converts files saved by NN into rnews-batches (according to
> RFC-1036 section 4.3), for the purpose of loading them into news-systems
> or offline-readers.  When saved by nn, the messages are simply separated
> by an empty line.  The program requires access to FLIP.EXE, to work.

734. wmserver-os2 [os2]

> WMServer executes REXX scripts located in a specific path, and the
> administrator of the server may write his own scripts, expanding
> the server or creating new kinds of servers, such as databases,
> remote email control (shudder :-/ ) or anything else. The only
> limit is the REXX language.

735. batscan

gets around waffle rnews.exe array overwriting on long headers
which cause weird crashes (see ruuxqt)

736. unpost

uudecodes a big mess of articles all stored in one file

737. sysget

> This service intends to provide an easy way to change your entry in the
> 'sys-file' of your current news host.

738. ruuxqt

replacement uuxqt for waffle -- internal (optional) batscan, which
prevents waffle's rnews from crashing on long headers

739. themodassist

msdos software to make a waffle newsgroup moderator's job easier

740. mailpagegate

SMTP/SNPP Internet Gateway for Paging Terminal

741. metamail-os2 [os2]

> MetaMail for use with Emacs and MIME mail

742. pmbiff [os2]

> biff utility for OS/2

743. newsmerg

> The newsmerg suite consists of four programs which manipulate the
> state files used by news readers such as trn and trumpet.

744. popbiff-os2 [os2]

> POPBiff is a Unix xbiff analogue. Only it has been designed to work
> with a POP3 server i.e. it doesn't monitor a file on disk. Instead
> it periodically checks your POP3 mailbox. It will raise its flag
> and optionally beep on incoming mail.

745. uuplan

> UUPLAN is an email & Usenet news solution for Netware or LANtastic
> networks which integrates Pegasus Mail, UUPC/extended and Tabloid
> newsreader.

746. cfvvotetaker

> This program count votes for Call For Votes for new usenet newsgroups,
> the program sorts incoming messages at subject and put email-addresses
> and names in a file.  All Yes-votes in one file, all No-voters in one
> file and all abstain-voters in a file.
> Special requirements: Working setup of MS-DOS Waffle

747. ddigest

> DDigest (De-Digest) will extract individual articles from a digest format
> mailing list and place these articles into a rnews packet to be imported
> into an offline news reader.  DDigest will find these digests in either a
> mail packet (in soup format), or a Yarn folder.

748. foldscan

> It scans your newsbase or folders, searching for keywords, and puts
> "hits" in a file/folder of your choice. (It can produce a yarn
> compatible folder, containing only messages that contain a 'HIT')

> It supports OR AND and NOT operations, and has an interface program or
> can be run from the command line. Supports expression lists, and rexx
> data queues (the interface program does this)

749. popwatch-os2 [os2]

checks POP mailbox for new messages

750. mailboxskim

> Mailbox SKIMMER is a program that will select only the messages of
> interest for you, especially if you are subscribed to a mailing list.
> You can delete all messages that contain a specific string in the
> "Subject:" line of their header.

800. source

801. discussion

why is source important?  ...

if you're looking for projects, instead of writing yet another
newsreader from scratch, maybe consider...
  - a library of routines that work with a bunch of packages, so
    that people can use the same software with different uucp packages
  - a library of routines that work with a bunch of packages, so that
    people can use the same software with different dos tcp/ip stacks
  - a good uucp setup/configuration program
  - a free uucico with source and no security holes
  - a winsock emulator for flat-file news setups to make accessing
    news with an nntp reader possible
  - ...
  - suggestions?

802. dcp
803. uuslave
804. pduucp/pcuucp
805. uupc
806. uupc-msw
807. uupc-os2
808. snews
809. hackticnr
810. rnr, rnr-uupc
811. winelm
812. mit-red
813. pcrrn
814. smaildos
815. pmnews
816. snuz
817. barbnews
818. olsenews
819. slnr
820. rexxnews-os2
821. procc
822. wsmtpd
823. trn
824. trn-os2
825. tin-os2
826. winvn
827. nexp
828. mimelite
829. wrn
830. appsig
831. aser
832. solar
833. makenews
834. mailqueue
835. tmailpostnews
836. nnrnews
837. uufree
838. mpack
839. mime64
840. unpost
841. nntpd-dvx
842. nn-dvx
843. brn
844. paperboy
845. wafpegasus
846. edrhr
847. newsmerg
